“Comeback Alive” and PrivatBank are raising UAH 31 mn for pilot gear

“Comeback Alive”, the fund of competent assistance to our army and PrivatBank announced the fundraising for 31,000,000 hryvnias to purchase fireproof uniforms and aviation helmets to cover 100% of the specialized pilot gear for our aviation army.
“The uniforms and helmets we buy must be fireproof only, because burns are one of the most common injuries and reasons why helicopter crew members die after the enemy attacks. Pilot gear which includes aviation helmets and fireproof jackets, pants, balaclavas and gloves will be purchased from the USA. The total amount of the contract is over 846 thousand dollars, or 31 million hryvnias”, says Oleh Karpenko, the head of the partnership and development department of “Comeback Alive”.
Army aviation is one of the most closed branches among the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As the number of pilots, flight technicians and engineers is rather small, the related information is kept secret and barely distributed in the media.
However, since 2014, our army aviation has performed really crucial and risky tasks — in particular, crews of the Ukrainian Mi-8 and Mi-24 delivered aid to the blocked Azovstal in Mariupol. Since 2014 and until now helicopter pilots have been evacuating wounded militaries, delivering provisions, water, medicines and ammunition to the hottest spots of the front. They have also been supporting and covering our infantry from the sky.
“As the war started, PrivatBank has been a reliable financial force for our country, and along with its numerous customers and partners the Bank has been providing vital support to the rear, - says Olesya Zhulynska, head of PrivatBank Communications Division. – We give people our convenient channels for this fundraising, so everyone willing to support could do it from the land, for those who are in the sky, and thus, give us an opportunity to work here, on the land.”
You can easily join our charity foundations and donate funds either to the charity foundation “Helping Is Easy” or to any other current programs, listed in the “Dobro” menu in Privat24, on the official website https://blago.privatbank.ua/, via PrivatBank ATMs and POS-terminals, “Charity” section, at the cash desks of our branches.